The 360° Process
The Decision-Making Process
The first thing to consider is whether or not a virtual tour or series of tours will enhance the image people have of your company or organization. Once you decide that this is a solid business strategy to pursue, you should make a list of views that you wish to have portrayed in consultation with your spheroVision® agent.
After contracting with spheroVision®, we'll set-up a time for our agent to come into your location and begin the process of capturing the images necessary to create your tour(s). In preparing for the shoot, you'll need to make certain the areas that will be visible to the naked eye in the virtual tours are straightened up and clean.
'The Shoot'
On the day of your shoot, our staff will come into your location armed with the list of views that you have contracted to have photographed for virtual tours. Because we are trained photojournalists with an eye toward creativity, we may 'see' things that you don't and ask for your assistance and concurrence in making the areas in question absolutely pristine, so as to portray your location in the best possible light.
Depending on the number of panoramic views to be photographed, the shoot can take anywhere from 1-3 hours. Beside ensuring a clean 'shoot' area, there is not much you'll need to do on your end as we work through your list of views to portray.
After the Shoot
Immediately after your images are captured by one of our photojournalists, we upload the files to our computer and assign unique file names for each image to ensure they are grouped together in a proper order. Once this is completed, we FTP the files to Germany for lab processing and creation of any and all interactive elements that you may wish to have appear on your virtual tour.
When the actual panoramic images are returned from Germany, which should be within 5-6 business days, we will burn them onto a CD before delivering the completed package to you. We will work with you webmaster, if necessary, in the proper loading of your tour(s) on your web site.